4 Đề kiểm tra học kỳ II môn: Tiếng anh 8

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I. Aims & objectives:
+ Language content:
To help the students review some grammatical points from unit 9 to unit 15 .
 + Language function:
To enable them to master these grammatical points for the finally test.
+ Educational aim:
To educate them to learn English harder the next semester.
a.Vocabulary : 
b. Structures : - Past progressive tense . 
 	- Present perfect tense .
- Present and past participle .
	-Would / do you mind + V – ing .
-Would / Do you mind if . ?
-Passive forms .
- Compound - nouns .
- Indirect speech .
- Participles
2. Skills: 
3. Educational factor:
To educate them to learn English harder the next semester.
II. Teacher’s and students’ preparation:
1. Method: 	Communicative approach.
2. Techniques: 	Review
3. Material needed: 	Text book, pictures, sub-board. 
4. Students’preparation: 	Vocabulary - structures and outlines
5. Teacher’s preparation: Have an English test
Tên chủ đề
Nhận biết
Thông hiểu
Vận dụng
Tổng cộng
Cấp độ thấp
Cấp độ cao
Vocabulary and structures
-Compound words
-Reported Speech
-Question words + to inf
-Words relating to festivals, wonders, and places.
-Past Progressive
-Present Perfect.
- Participles
-Reported speech
Số câu
Số điểm
Tỉ lệ
-Reading a passage about recycling then complete the passage(using the given words) 
-Reading a passage about a famous place and answer the questions
Số câu
Số điểm
Tỉ lệ
Writing the instructions on how to use the printer
Số câu
Số điểm
Tỉ lệ
Số câu
Số điểm
Tỉ lệ
PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC – ĐÀO TẠO Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 8 Ngày thi: ..............5/2013
 Thời gian: 45 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
Trường : .
Họ và tên: .................................................
Lớp: ..............................SBD:..
Giám thị 1
Giám thị 2
Mã phách
Giám khảo 1
Giám khảo 2
Mã phách ghi lại
I. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences. (2,0ms)
The teacher  to the principal is in charge of my class. 
A. talks	B. is talking 	C. talking	D to talk 
Tom burnt his hand when he . dinner.
A. cooks	B. was cooking	C. has cooked 	D. is cooking
Their accommodation is  in the ticket price. 
A. included 	B. imported 	C. carved 	D. compiled 
I don’t know how . the game.
A. play 	B. can I play	C. playing	D. to play 
It is dangerous .. too fast.
A. driving	B. to drive	C that drive	D. drove 
A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called 
A. water-fetch contest B. fetching-water contest C. water-fetching contest	D. fetch-water contest
Tim said he . a chocolate factory then. 
A. visited 	B. are visting 	C. has visited 	D. was visiting
I .him since he left school. 	
A. haven’t seen 	B. don’t see 	C. won’t see 	D. didn’t see
II. Choose the correct sentence (2,0ms)
1. ‘Do many tourists visit My Son every year, Nga?’ asked Nhi 
Nhi asked Nga if many tourists visit My Son every year.
Nhi asked Nga if she visited My Son every year.
Nhi asked Nga whether many tourists visited My Son every year.
Nhi asked Nga if many tourists was visited My Son every year.?
2. The play was very excellent. It was written by Shakespeare . 
The play written by Shakespeare was very excellent. 
The play was very excellent written by Shakespeare . 
The play was written by Shakespeare was very excellent. 
The play writing by Shakespeare was very excellent.
3. They held the festival in the communal house. 
The festival is held in the communal house 	
The festival was held in the communal house 
The festival been held in the communal house.	
The festival will be held in the communal house
4 . you / mind / use / hand phone?
Would you mind if used your hand phone ?	
Do you mind if I use your hand phone ?
Do you mind using your hand phone ?	
Would you mind if I use your hand phone ?
III. Read the passage carefully then choose the best option to complete the following sentences. (2,0ms )
Centuries ago in Ancient Greece, a man by the name of Antipater of Sidon compiled a list of what he thought were the seven worders of the world. The seven included the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in present- day Iraq, the Statue of Zeus in Greece, and the pyramid of cheops in Egypt. The pyramid is the only wonder you can still see today.
Many people claim that there were other wonders, which the ancient Greeks knew nothing about. These included the Great Wall of china, the Taj Mahal in India and Angkor Wat in Combodia.
Angkor Wat should really be known as a wonder because it is the largest temple in the world. The temple was built around the year 1100 to honor a Hindu God, but over the next three centuries it became a Buddhist religious center. The area surrounding the temple, Angkor Thom used to be the royal capital city.
In the early 15th century, the Khmer rulers moved to Phnom Penh and Angkor was quiet. It now is a famous tourist attraction.
1. The only surviving wonder on Antipater’s list is 
a. the Great Wall of China	c. the Statue of Zeus 	
b. the pyramid of Cheops 	d. Angkor Wat
2. Angkor Wat was orginally built for .
a. Buddhist	b. Kings	c. Hindus	d. the cities of Phnom Penh
3. Angkor Wat .
a. is a pyramid 	c. was a small temple
b. is one of the seven wonders of the world.	d. was a part of a royal Khmer city a long time ago
4. In the 15th century, the Khmer King .
a. chose Phnom Penh as the new capital	b. built Angkor Wat
c. turned Angkor Wat into a Buddhist center.	d. moved the temple to Phnom Penh.
IV. Choose the best answer to complete the following passage: (2,0ms)
In the USA, millions of old car tires are (1)away every year. But tires can be (2)  to make pipes and floor coverings. Nowadays, many people wear shoes and sandals made from old car tires. In Britain, the milkman brings bottles of milk to houses and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then (3) and refilled. Every milk bottle can (4) reused thirty times. People throw away billions(5)  cans every year all over the world. In Oregon, the government (6) a new law several years ago. They said that there must be a deposit on all drink cans .The (7) is returned when people bring the cans back for (8) 
1. A. throw	B. threw	C. throwing	D. thrown
2. A. recycled	B. reduced	C. reused	D. cleaned
3. A. cleaned	B. decorated	C. melted	D. broken
4. A. be	B. is	C. have	D. use
5. A. in	B. of	C. about	D. on
6. A. make	B. give	C. do	D. made
7. A. cans	B. compost	C. deposit	D. bottles
8. A. reusing	B. recycling	C. reducing	D. making
V. Choose the right sentence to complete the instructions on how to use the printer. (2,0ms)
Plug in the printer and turn on the power.
1. Remove / old paper / load / new paper / input tray.
Removed the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
Removing the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
Remove the old paper and loading the new paper in the paper input tray.
Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
2. Wait / power / button / flash.
Wait for the power botton to flash	
Wait for the power botton flashing
Wait to the power botton flash	
Wait the power botton to flash
3. Have / pages / appear / computer screen. 
Have the pages appear on the computer screen.	
Having the pages appear on the computer screen.
Have the pages appearing on the computer screen.
Have the pages appear from the computer screen.
4. Click / printer icon / screen / wait / a few seconds.
Click the printer icon from the screen and wait for a few seconds.
To click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds.
Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds.
Click the printer icon in the screen and wait for a few seconds.
The printed paper will come out of the output path in a minute.
PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC – ĐÀO TẠO Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 8 Ngày thi: ..............5/2013
 Thời gian: 45 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
Trường : .
Họ và tên: .................................................
Lớp: ..............................SBD:..
Giám thị 1
Giám thị 2
Mã phách
Giám khảo 1
Giám khảo 2
Mã phách ghi lại
I. Choose the best answer to complete the following passage: (2,0ms)
In the USA, millions of old car tires are (1)away every year. But tires can be (2)  to make pipes and floor coverings. Nowadays, many people wear shoes and sandals made from old car tires. In Britain, the milkman brings bottles of milk to houses and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then (3) and refilled. Every milk bottle can (4) reused thirty times. People throw away billions(5)  cans every year all over the world. In Oregon, the government (6) a new law several years ago. They said that there must be a deposit on all drink cans .The (7) is returned when people bring the cans back for (8) 
1. A. threw	B. throw	C. throwing	D. thrown
2. A. recycled	B. reduced	C. reused	D. cleaned
3. A. broken	B. decorated	C. melted	D. cleaned 
4. A.use	B. have	C. is	D. be
5. A. on	B. of	C. about	D. in
6. A. made	B. give	C. do	D. make
7. A. cans	B. compost	C. deposit	D. bottles
8. A. reusing	B. recycling	C. reducing	D. making
II. Choose the right sentence to complete the instructions on how to use the printer. (2,0ms)
Plug in the printer and turn on the power.
1. Remove / old paper / load / new paper / input tray.
Removing the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
Remove the old paper and loading the new paper in the paper input tray. 
Removed the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
2. Wait / power / button / flash.
Wait for the power botton flashing
Wait to the power botton flash
Wait for the power botton to flash	
Wait the power botton to flash
3. Have / pages / appear / computer screen. 
Having the pages appear on the computer screen.
Have the pages appearing on the computer screen.
Have the pages appear on the computer screen.	
Have the pages appear from the computer screen.
4. Click / printer icon / screen / wait / a few seconds.
Click the printer icon from the screen and wait for a few seconds.
Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds.
Click the printer icon in the screen and wait for a few seconds.
To click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds.
The printed paper will come out of the output path in a minute.
 III. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences. (2,0ms)
Their accommodation is  in the ticket price. 
A. included 	B. imported 	C. carved 	D. compiled 
I don’t know how . the game.
A.to play 	B. play	C. playing	D. can I play
Tom burnt his hand when he . dinner.
A. cooks	B. was cooking	C. has cooked 	D. is cooking
Tim said he . a chocolate factory then
A. visited 	B. are visting 	C. has visited 	D. was visiting
It is dangerous .. too fast.
A. driving	B. to drive	C that drive	D. drove 
A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called 
 A. water-fetch contest	 B. fetching-water contest C. water-fetching contest D. fetch-water contest
I .him since he left school. 	
A. haven’t seen 	B. don’t see 	C. won’t see 	D. didn’t see
The teacher  to the principal is in charge of my class. 
A. talks	B. is talking 	C. talking	D to talk 
IV. Choose the correct sentence (2,0ms
1. They held the festival in the communal house. 
The festival is held in the communal house 	
The festival was held in the communal house 
The festival been held in the communal house.	
The festival will be held in the communal house 
2 . you / mind / use / hand phone?
Would you mind if used your hand phone ?	
Do you mind if I use your hand phone ?
Do you mind using your hand phone ?	
Would you mind if I use your hand phone ?
3. ‘Do many tourists visit My Son every year, Nga?’ asked Nhi 
Nhi asked Nga if many tourists visit My Son every year.
Nhi asked Nga if she visited My Son every year.
Nhi asked Nga whether many tourists visited My Son every year.
Nhi asked Nga if many tourists was visited My Son every year.?
4. The play was very excellent. It was written by Shakespeare . 
The play written by Shakespeare was very excellent. 
The play was very excellent written by Shakespeare . 
The play was written by Shakespeare was very excellent. 
The play writing by Shakespeare was very excellent.
V . Read the passage carefully then choose the best option to complete the following sentences. (2,0ms )
Centuries ago in Ancient Greece, a man by the name of Antipater of Sidon compiled a list of what he thought were the seven worders of the world. The seven included the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in present- day Iraq, the Statue of Zeus in Greece, and the pyramid of cheops in Egypt. The pyramid is the only wonder you can still see today.
Many people claim that there were other wonders, which the ancient Greeks knew nothing about. These included the Great Wall of china, the Taj Mahal in India and Angkor Wat in Combodia.
Angkor Wat should really be known as a wonder because it is the largest temple in the world. The temple was built around the year 1100 to honor a Hindu God, but over the next three centuries it became a Buddhist religious center. The area surrounding the temple, Angkor Thom used to be the royal capital city.
In the early 15th century, the Khmer rulers moved to Phnom Penh and Angkor was quiet. It now is a famous tourist attraction.
1. The only surviving wonder on Antipater’s list is 
The pyramid of Cheops 	
Angkor Wat
The Great Wall of China	
The Statue of Zeus 
2. Angkor Wat was orginally built for .
a. Buddhist	b. Kings	c. Hindus	d. the cities of Phnom Penh
3. Angkor Wat .
was a small temple
is a pyramid 	
was a part of a royal Khmer city a long time ago
is one of the seven wonders of the world.	
4. In the early 15th century, the Khmer King 
a.	built Angkor Wat
b.	chose Phnom Penh as the new capital	
c.	turned Angkor Wat into a Buddhist center.
d.	moved the temple to Phnom Penh
PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC – ĐÀO TẠO Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 8 Ngày thi: ..............5/2013
 Thời gian: 45 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
Trường : .
Họ và tên: .................................................
Lớp: ..............................SBD:..
Giám thị 1
Giám thị 2
Mã phách
Giám khảo 1
Giám khảo 2
Mã phách ghi lại
I. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences. (2,0ms)
It is dangerous .. too fast.
A. driving	B. to drive	C that drive	D. drove 
Tim said he . a chocolate factory then. 
A. visited 	B. are visting 	C. has visited 	D. was visiting
A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called 
A. water-fetch contest	B. fetching-water contest C. water-fetching contest D. fetch-water contest
The teacher  to the principal is in charge of my class. 
A. talks	B. is talking 	C. talking	D to talk 
Tom burnt his hand when he . dinner.
A. was cooking	B. cook	C. has cooked 	D. is cooking
Their accommodation is  in the ticket price. 
A. included 	B. imported 	C. carved 	D. compiled 
I don’t know how . the game.
A. to play 	B. play	C. playing	D. can I play
I .him since he left school. 	
A. didn’t see	B. don’t see 	C. won’t see 	D. haven’t seen 
II. Choose the correct sentence (2,0ms)
1. ‘Do many tourists visit My Son every year, Nga?’ asked Nhi 
Nhi asked Nga whether many tourists visited My Son every year.
Nhi asked Nga if many tourists visit My Son every year.
Nhi asked Nga if she visited My Son every year.
Nhi asked Nga if many tourists was visited My Son every year.?
2. They held the festival in the communal house. 	
The festival was held in the communal house 
The festival been held in the communal house.	
The festival is held in the communal house
The festival will be held in the communal house 
3. The play was very excellent. It was written by Shakespeare . 
The play writing by Shakespeare was very excellent
The play was very excellent written by Shakespeare . 
The play was written by Shakespeare was very excellent. 
The play written by Shakespeare was very excellent. 
4 . you / mind / use / hand phone?
Would you mind if used your hand phone ?	
Do you mind using your hand phone ?	
Would you mind if I use your hand phone ?
Do you mind if I use your hand phone ?
III. . Read the passage carefully then choose the best option to complete the following sentences. (2,0ms )
Centuries ago in Ancient Greece, a man by the name of Antipater of Sidon compiled a list of what he thought were the seven worders of the world. The seven included the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in present- day Iraq, the Statue of Zeus in Greece, and the pyramid of cheops in Egypt. The pyramid is the only wonder you can still see today.
 Many people claim that there were other wonders, which the ancient Greeks knew nothing about. These included the Great Wall of china, the Taj Mahal in India and Angkor Wat in Combodia. Angkor Wat should really be known as a wonder because it is the largest temple in the world. The temple was built around the year 
1100 to honor a Hindu God, but over the next three centuries it became a Buddhist religious center. The area surrounding the temple, Angkor Thom used to be the royal capital city.
 In the early 15th century, the Khmer rulers moved to Phnom Penh and Angkor was quiet. It now is a famous tourist attraction.
1. The only surviving wonder on Antipater’s list is 
The pyramid of Cheops 
The Great Wall of China	
The Statue of Zeus	
Angkor Wat
2. Angkor Wat was orginally built for .	
Hindus	b. the cities of Phnom Penh	c. Buddhist	d. Kings	
3. Angkor Wat .
was a small temple
is one of the seven wonders of the world.	
is a pyramid 	
was a part of a royal Khmer city a long time ago
4. In the early 15th century, the Khmer King 
built Angkor Wat
turned Angkor Wat into a Buddhist center.	
moved the temple to Phnom Penh.
chose Phnom Penh as the new capital
IV. Choose the best answer to complete the following passage: (2,0ms)
In the USA, millions of old car tires are (1)away every year. But tires can be (2) to make pipes and floor coverings. Nowadays, many people wear shoes and sandals made from old car tires. In Britain, the milkman brings bottles of milk to houses and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then (3) and refilled. Every milk bottle can (4) reused thirty times. People throw away billions(5)  cans every year all over the world. In Oregon, the government (6) a new law several years ago. They said that there must be a deposit on all drink cans .The (7) is returned when people bring the cans back for (8) 
1. A. throw	B. threw	C. throwing	D. thrown
2. A. recycled	B. reduced	C. reused	D. cleaned
3. A. cleaned	B. decorated	C. melted	D. broken
4. A. be	B. is	C. have	D. use
5. A. in	B. of	C. about	D. on
6. A. make	B. give	C. do	D. made
7. A. cans	B. compost	C. deposit	D. bottles
8. A. reusing	B. recycling	C. reducing	D. making
V. Choose the right sentence to complete the instructions on how to use the printer. (2,0ms)
Plug in the printer and turn on the power.
1. Remove / old paper / load / new paper / input tray.
Remove the old paper and loading the new paper in the paper input tray.
Removed the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
Removing the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
2. Wait / power / button / flash.
Wait for the power botton to flash	
Wait the power botton to flash
Wait for the power botton flashing
Wait to the power botton flash
3. Have / pages / appear / computer screen. 
Have the pages appear from the computer screen.
Have the pages appear on the computer screen.	
Having the pages appear on the computer screen.
Have the pages appearing on the computer screen.
4. Click / printer icon / screen / wait / a few seconds.
Click the printer icon from the screen and wait for a few seconds.
Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds.
To click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds.
Click the printer icon in the screen and wait for a few seconds.
The printed paper will come out of the output path in a minute.
PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC – ĐÀO TẠO Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 8 Ngày thi: ..............5/2013
 Thời gian: 45 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
Trường : .
Họ và tên: .................................................
Lớp: ..............................SBD:..
Giám thị 1
Giám thị 2
Mã phách
Giám khảo 1
Giám khảo 2
Mã phách ghi lại
I. Choose the right sentence to complete the instructions on how to use the printer. (2,0ms)
Plug in the printer and turn on the power.
1. Remove / old paper / load / new paper / input tray.
Removed the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
Remove the old paper and loading the new paper in the paper input tray.
Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
Removing the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray.
2. Wait / power / button / flash.
Wait for the power botton to flash
Wait to the power botton flash	
Wait for the power botton flashing	
Wait the power botton to flash
3. Have / pages / appear / computer screen. 	
Having the pages appear on the computer screen.
Have the pages appearing on the computer screen.
Have the pages appear from the computer screen.
Have the pages appear on the computer screen.
4. Click / printer icon / screen / wait / a few seconds.
Click the printer icon from the screen and wait for a few seconds.
To click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds.
Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds.
Click the printer icon in the screen and wait for a few seconds.
The printed paper will come out of the output path in a minute.
II. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences. (2,0ms)
The teacher  to the principal is in charge of my class. 
A. talks	B. is talking 	C. talking	D to talk 
It is dangerous .. too fast.
A. driving	B. to drive	C that drive	D. drove 
I .him since he left school. 	
A. haven’t seen 	B. don’t see 	C. won’t see 	D. didn’t see
A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called 
A. water-fetch contest	B. fetching-water contest C. water-fetching contest D. fetch-water contest
Tom burnt his hand when he . dinner.
A. cooks	B. was cooking	C. has cooked 	D. is cooking
Their accommodation is  in the ticket price. 
A. included 	B. imported 	C. carved 	D. compiled 
I don’t know how . the game.
A. play 	B. to play	C. playing	D. can I play
Tim said he . a chocolate factory then. 
A. visited 	B. are visting 	C. has visited 	D. was visiting
III. Choose the best answer to complete the following passage: (2,0ms)
In the USA, millions of old car tires are (1)away every year. But tires can be (2)  to make pipes and floor coverings. Nowadays, many people wear shoes and sandals made from old car tires. In Britain, the milkman brings bottles of milk to houses and collects the empty ones. The empty bottles are then (3) and refilled. Every milk bottle can (4)  reused thirty times. People throw away billions(5)  cans every 
year all over the world. In Oregon, the government (6) a new law several years ago. They said that there
must be a deposit on all drink cans .The (7) is returned when people bring the cans back for (8) 
1. A. throw	B. threw	C. thrown	D. throwing
2. A. cleaned 	B. reduced	C. reused	D. recycled	
3. A. cleaned	B. decorated	C. melted	D. broken
4. A. is	B. have	C. be	D. use
5. A. in	B. about	C. of	D. on
6. A. make	B. made	C. do	D. give
7. A. cans	B. compost	C. deposit	D. bottles
8. A. recycling	B. reusing	C. reducing	D. making
IV. Choose the correct sentence (2,0ms)
1. The play was very excellent. It was written by Shakespeare . 
The play was written by Shakespeare was very excellent. 
The play writing by Shakespeare was very excellent.
The play written by Shakespeare was very excellent. 
The play was very excellent written by Shakespeare . 
2. They held the festival in the communal house. 
The festival been held in the communal house.
The festival is held in the communal house 	
The festival was held in the communal house
The festival will be held in the communal house 
3. ‘Do many tourists visit My Son every year, Nga?’ asked Nhi 
Nhi asked Nga if many tou

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