Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Chương trình cả năm - Năm học 2010-2011

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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang mẫu tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Chương trình cả năm - Năm học 2010-2011, để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Date: August 18th, 2010
Period: 3
Lesson: 	 READING
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Read and understand the meanings of words related to home life 
Guess the meaning in context.
Talk about their family. 
II. Language Focus:
Grammar: revision
New words: secure, trick, close-knit, mischievous, pressure, household chores . . . . 
III. Teaching Aids: pictures, handouts.
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
(5 minutes)
-T shows Ss a picture of a family and asks Ss some questions:
 + Who do you think they are? (parents and children)
 + Where are they? (at home)
 + What are they doing? (the mother is helping the daughter with her study, the father is playing with his son)
 + Are they happy? How do you feel when you see such a warm and peaceful scene? 
-T leads into the new lesson: Our reading lesson today is about home life and the responsibility of each person in the family. 
T 1 Ss
(7 minutes)
-T elicits/teaches some new words relating to the reading. 
 + take / assume responsibility for sth/doing sth
 + secure (a): safe
 + trick (v) 
 + close-knit (a): having strong relationship with each other.
 + mischievous (a): impish (translation)
 + pressure (n): stress, difficulties
 + to be under pressure (exp.)
 + join hands to do sth (idm) (translation)
 + household chores (n)
T 1 Ss
(20 minutes)
Activity 1: Questions and Answer (task 2, page 14) 
-T asks Ss to work in groups of four to answer the questions.
-T delivers a poster and a board marker to each group.
-T asks Ss to read the text carefully. 
-T tells Ss if they finish answering the first question, they are allowed to receive the next one.
-The first group to have the most correct answers is given good marks.
* Expected questions: 
1. How many people are there in the family in the passage? Who are they?
2. What are the jobs of the father and the mother?
3. How caring is the mother?
4. What does the daughter of the family attempt to do after secondary school? 
5. Why do children feel they are safe and secure in their family? 
* Expected answers:
1. There are five. They are the father, the mother, the daughter and two younger brothers.
2. The mother is a nurse and the father is a biologist.
3. She is always the first one to get up in the morning to make sure that her children leave home for school with breakfast and in suitable clothes. She always makes dinner before her husband comes home.
4. She attempts to win a place at the university.
5. Because they are very close-knit and supportive of one another. They often share feelings and whenever problems come up, they discuss frankly and find solutions quickly. 
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Activity 2: Summary completion 
-T arranges Ss to work in pairs.
-Teacher asks Ss to read the passage again and then close all their textbooks.
-T gives Ss the handouts with the summary of the passage and asks them to find a suitable word to fill in each gap in the passage.
-T goes around the class and gives a help.
-T asks Ss to compare their answer with others.
-T gives out the correct answer
I come from a family of (1).. people: my parents, my two younger brothers and I. My mother works as a (2).. She is a very caring woman (3).. takes the responsibility for running the household. My father is a (4).. . He is always willing to give a hand with cleaning the house. He enjoys (5).. too. At weekends, he sometimes cooks us some special dishes.
My parents are very busy at work but they always try to spend as much time for us as possible. Both of my parents join (6).. to give us a nice house and a happy home.
busy (7).. family. We often share our (8).. with one another. We always feel safe and secure in our family. 
* Suggested answer:
1. key
2. nurse
3. who
4. biologist
5. cooking
6. hands
7. close-knit
8. feelings
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
S 1 S
S 1 S
Post- reading
(12 minutes)
-T asks Ss to work in pairs to talk about their family
-T goes around the class and helps Ss.
-T calls on some pairs to act out their conversation in class.
-T makes comments. 
* Suggested questions: 
1. How many people are there in your family?
2. What are their jobs?
3. Are you the oldest child, the youngest child or somewhere in the middle?
4. Do all your family members live together?
5. How do they share housework?
6. What do you like about each of them?
S 1 S
-T asks Ss to write short paragraphs about their family. 
T 1 Ss
Date: August 22nd, 2010
Period: 4
Unit 1 	 HOME LIFE
Lesson: 	 SPEAKING
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
talk about household chores.
express their ideas about family life. 
II. Language Focus:
Grammar: revision
New words: revision
III. Teaching Aids: pictures, cards 	
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
(5 minutes)
Game: Looking and guessing
-T divides the class into 2 groups. Each group chooses one representative to go to the board.
-T prepares cards with the following phrases on.
1. making the bed
2. washing dishes
3. cleaning the floor
4. watering plants
5. cooking meals
6. going shopping
-T shows the cards, one by one to the representative of the groups to read. These students will then mime the words/ phrases so that their groups can guess what the words/phrases are. The first group to call out the correct phrases gets one point.
-The group with more points wins the game.
-T congratulates the winner. 
-T writes the phrases on the board and ask Ss some questions to introduce the lesson.
 + Who often does these things in your family?
 + Do you have any duties to your family?
 + What are they? What do people in your family expect from you? 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(7 minutes)
Activity 1: Read and Tick (task 1, p.15)
-T asks each student to read the sentences and check the ones that apply to her /him and his /her family.
-T puts Ss into pairs to practice speaking about their family, basing on the sentences in Task 1.
-T invites some Ss to speak out their ideas.
-T makes comments. 
T 1 Ss
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
(20 minutes)
Activity 2: Who works in your family? (task 2, p.15)
-T asks Ss to work in pairs to ask each other the questions according the cues given in Task 2.
-T explains some useful language and goes around the class to help Ss.
-T invites some pairs to stand up and give out their talks.
-T gives feedback.
Activity 3: Role-play
-T arranges Ss to work in groups of four or five and act as if they were members of a family.
-Each person in the family says something about their family and duties to their family.
-T calls on some groups to act out in front of the class.
-T makes corrections if needed and make comments.
* Suggested ideas:
I am the eldest child in my family. I come from a family of four. My parents love their children very much and have done everything for our upbringing. As a father, I have got a lot of duties to do. I have to go to work to support my family. I’ve got to help my wife with housework . . . . 
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
S 1 S
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Post- speaking
(12 minutes)
-T asks to write a few sentences about the work they often do to help their mother in the house. 
-T tells Ss to form in groups of four to exchange their writing for correction and share ideas.
-T goes around the class and helps Ss.
-T invites some Ss to present their ideas the rest of the class. 
-T gives feedback and comments.
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(1 minute)
- T asks Ss to prepare for the next lesson. 
T 1 Ss
Date: August 23rd, 2010
Period: 5
Lesson: 	 	 LISTENING
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
listen and pick up specific details. 
listen and understand general ideas. 
talk about household chores and family life.
II. Language Focus:
New words: reserve, coach, spread out, leftover . . . 
III. Teaching Aids: realia, handouts, CD players, pictures. 	
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
(5 minutes)
Game: Touching the objects
-T divides the class into 2 groups, A and B. Each group gets a representative who is blindfolded to take part in the game. 
-T gives students objects, one by one. They in turn touch the object, name the object, and then write it on a piece of a paper. 
 (hat/ orange / mirror / ear / lemon / a sheet of iron / fan / egg)
-The rest of Ss in two groups can help by giving the explanation / definition of the word.
-T helps Ss continue the game in the same way until it ends.
-T asks Ss to uncover their eyes and asks them to write the words on the board.
-The group with more correct words will win the game. The initial letter of each word makes meaningful words: 
-T leads into the new lesson. 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(7 minutes)
Pre-teaching vocabulary
-T elicits some new words that Ss will hear in the listening exercise.
 1. reserve sth (for sb/sth) (synonym): book sth
 2. coach (n) (picture) 
 3. spread out (v) (miming + explanation) 
 4. leftover (n) (explanation)
 5. flight (n) (definition)
-T asks Ss to listen to the explanations in English and say the word.
-T checks the answers with the class. 
T 1 Ss
(12 minutes)
Activity 1: Listen and Tick (task 1, p. 16)
-T tells Ss they are going to listen to the conversation between Paul and Andrea, talking about their family.
-T asks Ss to listen and tick what is true or false about them.
-T let Ss listen for the second time if necessary.
-T goes over the answers with the class. 
* Expected answers:
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(10 minutes)
Activity 2: Listen and take notes (task 2, p. 17)
-T asks Ss to listen again and note down two things that are different about Paul’s and Andrea’s family.
-T asks Ss to write their answers on the board and check with the class.
-T plays the tape many times for Ss to check their answers if necessary. 
-T gives the correct answers.
* Expected answers
 + Paul:
His family members are not very close.
The family often eat the meal the mother cook at home.
 + Andrea:
His is a close-knit family.
The family often goes out to eat when they get together. 
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Post- listening
(7 minutes)
Speaking: Personalization
-T asks Ss to work in groups to interview one another to get and give information about the members of their family.
* Suggested ideas:
 their ages / names / what they do / what they are like / what they are interested in / how they are similar or different . . . 
-T goes around the class and helps Ss when necessary. 
-T invites some Ss to present their preparation. 
-T takes notes of Ss’ mistakes for later correction. 
-T makes comments on what Ss have. 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(1 minute)
- T asks Ss to write a short paragraph about the importance of family in their life. 
T 1 Ss
Date: August 30th, 2010
Period: 6
Unit 1 	 HOME LIFE
Lesson: 	 WRITING
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
write a letter to tell about their family rules. 
II. Language Focus:
Grammar: revision
New words: revision
III. Teaching Aids: handouts 	
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
(6 minutes)
-T divides the class into 8 groups. The Ss think of one thing they are allowed /not allowed /or have to do at school and write it on a slip of paper.
-T elicits some useful language to help Ss in their writing:
 + We aren’t allowed to . . . . . 
 + . . . . is required
 + They won’t let us . . . . 
 + We have to . . . . 
* Examples:
 + We are not allowed to ride motorcycles to school.
 + They won’t let us smoke.
 + We all have to show respect to teachers.
 + We aren’t allowed to swear / fight / cheat in the exam.
-T calls on some representatives of the groups to go to the board and write their sentences.
-T remarks the sentences on the board in front of the class.
-The group having the most phrases or sentences in the shortest time is the winner of the game. 
* Lead – in: Most schools have their own rules and disciplines and so do the families. What rules do you have in your family? Today we will focus on writing about family rules. 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(8 minutes)
What are you allowed to do? 
- T delivers handouts to Ss and then asks Ss to put a stick for ‘Yes’ and a cross for ‘No’.
-T asks Ss to work in groups of four.
* Handouts: 
Are you allowed to . . . ?
stay in bed late at weekend?
come home late at night?
watch TV after 10 pm?
have a pet?
have boyfriends/girlfriends?
wear whatever clothes you want?
do household chores?
invite your friends to your house without asking your parents?
-When Ss finish, T asks them to write about the results, using phrases like these:
 + All of us have to . . . .
 + Three of us are allowed to . . . 
 + One of us is not allowed to . . . 
 + None of us is allowed to . . . .
-T invites some groups to report the results of theirs to the class.
* Variations (for advanced students)
-T asks Ss to discuss the following questions in small groups. 
1. Were your parents strict with you when you were younger?
2. What rules did you have about homework / household chores/ television and music / clothes, jewelry and hairstyle?
3. What happened if you broke the rule? 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
(22 minutes)
Write it yourself
-T asks Ss to work individually and write a letter to a pen pal about family rules.
-T repeats some useful language to help Ss write more easily.
-T goes around and helps Ss, taking note of mistakes for later correction. 
-T asks Ss to exchange their writing and check.
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
Post- writing
(8 minutes)
-T asks Ss to work in groups of three or four to describe a famous family in local region. 
-T goes around the class and helps Ss.
-T feedbacks and correct mistakes. 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
-T asks Ss to continue their writing at home. 
-T asks Ss to prepare Language Focus.
T 1 Ss
Date: August 31st, 2010
Period: 7
Unit 1 	 HOME LIFE
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Recognize the differences in pronunciation of the –s ending sound.
revise the use of some tenses (past simple and present perfect)
II. Language Focus:
Grammar: past simple and present perfect
New words: revision
III. Teaching Aids: pictures, handouts, coins, small pieces of paper. 	
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
(5 minutes)
Game: Sound discrimination 
-T divides the class into 2 groups.
-T sticks 10 pictures on the board and asks Ss to name the pictures.
-T asks each group to arrange the words into two groups according to the pronunciation of the –s ending sound, then write the results on the board.
-The group with more correct answers will win the game. 
* Expected answers: 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
Activity 1 – Listen and repeat
-T writes two sounds /s/ and /z/ on the board, reads twice first.
-T explains the differences between the two sounds.
-T guides Ss to practise pronouncing. 
Activity 2 – Practise these sentences
-T reads the sentences first as model.
-T asks Ss to pay much more attention to stressed syllables.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs, picking out the words containing the sounds /s/ and /z/.
-T asks them to take peer correction.
T 1 Ss
A. Presentation 
Present perfect , simple past tense and past progressive
-T shows Ss a picture and asks questions to elicit the answers from Ss. 
 + How did the shoes look a few minutes ago?
 (They were very dirty/ They looked dirty)
 + Look at them now. They are clean. Why is that?
 (He has just cleaned them)
-T asks Ss what tense is used in the sentence
-T elicits the differences b/w past simple and present perfect from Ss. (T prepares) 
B. Practice
Activity 1: Choosing the right tense (exercise 1, p.18)
-T asks Ss to do the exercise 1 individually.
-T goes around to observe and gives helps if necessary.
- T gives the feedback and correct answers.
* Suggested answers: 
1. have you seen
2. has written
3. has asked
4. did you give – saw
5. didn’t listen
6. have you two met
7. did you meet
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Activity 2: Multiple Choice (exercise 2, p. 19)
-T asks Ss to work in pairs to do the task. 
-T goes around to observe and gives helps if necessary.
- T gives the feedback and correct answers.
* Suggested answers: 
1. B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. A, 5. B, 6. B, 7. B, 8. C, 9. B, 10. C, 11. B, 12. C, 13. C, 14. A, 15. B
* More exercises: Give the correct form of the verb in parentheses:( simple past, past continuous, past perfect, present perfect)
1. A.( You/ enjoy) __________ your trip to Paris?
 B. It was wonderful . I ( look) ________ foward to going there for a long time, and I wasn't disappointed.
2. A. George (seem) ______ ather exausted yesterday.
 B. That ( be) ______ b/c he ( work) _____ with his new computer most of the time.
3. A. Have you seen Peter and Kate recently?
 B. Yes. I ( see) ____ them yesterday.they ( come) ________ out of the park. They ( have) _____- their tennis rackets with them , so I soppose they ( play) ______ 
4.A. You weren't at the party last night.
B. I wsa too tired. I ( look) ______ at flats all day. I (see) _____ about a dozen. And none of them were very good. 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
1. Did you enjoy/had been looking
2.seemed/was/ had been looking
3. saw/ were coming/ had/ had been playing
4. had been looking/ had seen
(2 minutes)
Error correction 
-T gives Ss handouts and asks Ss to recognize mistakes and correct them. 
- Do exercises 1,2,3,4,5 on pages 6,7,8 in the workbook.
- T asks Ss to prepare Unit 2 – READING 
T 1 Ss
Date: August 31st, 2010
Period: 8
Lesson: 	 READING
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
read and understand the passage about cultural diversity. 
guess the meaning in context.
II. Language Focus:
Grammar: revision
New words: precede, confide, partnership, determine, sacrifice, oblige . . . 
III. Teaching Aids: pictures, handouts.
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
(5 minutes)
Game: Hot seats
-T breaks the class into big groups, A and B. 
-Each group chooses a representative to seat in the ‘hot seats’ in the front with their backs to the board.
-T writes a word on the board and asks the groups to explain, describe, or define the word in any ways so that their team mates in the ‘hot seats’ can speak out the word.
-T awards one point to the fastest group to succeed in guessing the word. 
* Expected words: 
house / love / money / job / health / fame
 -T leads into the new lesson: 
In your opinion, which of the above factors is the most important for a happy life? Why?. In today’s lesson, we discuss on the different ideas about love and marriage of the Americans and Asians.
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
9 minutes
Pre-teaching vocabulary
-T elicits/teaches some new words relating to the reading. 
 + precede (v): happen or come before sth
 + confide (v) (in sb) (explanation)
 + partnership (n) (translation) " be partnership with sb / go into partnership with sb
 + determine (v) (explanation) " be determined to do sth
 + sacrifice (v) (for sb/ sth) (context) 
 + oblige (v): to force (synonym)
 + counterpart (n) (explanation)
Checking: Gap-fill
-T asks Ss to work in pairs and do exercises (handouts) to check their understanding about the meanings of the new words given. 
1. Parents are . . . by law to send their children to school.
2. An Indian woman has to . . . more in a marriage than a man.
3. The sales director phoned her . . . in the other company.
4. They agreed that it was unwise to . . . in their wives.
5. Love is supposed to follow marriage, not . . . it.
6. An inquiry was set up to . . . the cause of the accident. 
7. He developed his own program in . . . with an American expert. 
* Expected answers: 
1. obliged
2. sacrifice
3. counterpart
4. confide
5. precede
6. determine
7. partnership
T 1 Ss
S 1 S
S 1 S
20 minutes
Activity 1: Guiding questions 
-T asks Ss to read the passage and answer the questions.
-T asks Ss to compare the answers with their partners.
-T checks with the whole class.
* Expected questions: 
1. What is the survey about?
2. What are they four key values in the survey?
* Expected answers:
1. The survey is about the traditional attitudes of Americans and Asians toward love and marriage.
2. They are Trust build on love; Physical attractiveness; Confiding; Partnership of equals. 
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Activity 2: Multiple Choice 
-T arranges Ss to work in pairs.
-T asks Ss to read the passage again and then close all their textbooks.
-T asks Ss to do multiple choice exercise (handouts)
-T goes around the class and gives a help.
-T asks Ss to compare their answer with others.
-T gives out the correct answer
* Handouts:
1. Americans believe in . . . . marriage – a boy and a girl are attracted to each other, fall in love and decided to marry each other. 
A. contractual
B. romantic
C. lucky
2. Asians believe in . . . . marriage – the parents of the bride and the groom decide on the marriage. 
A. traditional
B. romantic
C. contractual
3. The Americans agree that a wife should maintain her beauty and . . . . after marriage. 
A. character
B. personality
C. appearance
4. The majority of Asian students reject the American view that marriage is . . . . 
A. a partnership of equals
B. based on love
C. to sacrifice
5. More Asian students agreed that a husband is obliged to tell his wife . . . .
A. where he has been
B. about his work
C. about his secrets
6. Young Asians are not as . . . . as their Americans counterparts.
A. trustful
B. hard-working
C. romantic
* Suggested answer:
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. C
T 1 Ss
S 1 S
T 1 Ss
S 1 S
S 1 S
Post- reading
12 minutes
-T asks Ss to work in groups of four to discuss and find out the features of a traditional Vietnamese family, the modern Vietnamese family.
-T goes around the class and helps Ss.
-T calls on some pairs to act out their opinions in class.
-T makes comments. 
* Suggested ideas: 
 + A traditional Vietnamese family 
- There are a lot of children in the family.
- Parents often decide who their children will marry.
- Wives never decide things to do in the family without asking their husbands’ opinions. Men often achieve a dominant position in the family. The father is the head of the household, who presents authority and makes all the important decisions. His wife is responsible for the domestic side of the family life.
-Men rarely cook meals in the kitchen. Cooking is considered women’s task.
 + A modern Vietnamese family
- There are only two children in the family.
-Parents let their children decide whom they will marry.
- Both the father and the mother work to earn living.
- The mother takes care of the housework and the children with the help of the father.
- The father can look after his children and help in the house, even his wife doesn’t go out to work. 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
1 minutes
-T asks Ss to write short paragraphs about their family, a traditional or a modern one. (about 80 words)
T 1 Ss
Date: September 6th, 2010
Period: 9
Lesson: 	 SPEAKING
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
talk about household chores.
express their ideas about family life. 
II. Language Focus:
Grammar: revision
New words: revision
III. Teaching Aids: pictures, cards 	
IV. Procedures:	
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
(5 minutes)
Questions and answers:
-T asks Ss to work in groups of five and discuss the questions given by teacher. 
 + Who often does these things in your family?
 + Do you want to live in a modern or a traditional family? Why? 
-T leads into the new lesson. 
T 1 Ss
Ss 1 Ss
T 1 Ss
7 minutes
Useful expressions
-T elicits some useful expressions to express the points of view from Ss. 
 + I

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_12_chuong_trinh_ca_nam_nam_hoc_2010_20.doc
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