Đề thi IOE môn Tiếng anh Lớp 4 vòng 1 - Năm học 2012-2013

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Violympic English Test Online – Grade 1 in Primaryschool
LỚP 4 - VÒNG 1 – NĂM HỌC 2012 - 2013
Name:.. Class: 4
School:Primary School. 
Section 1: Leave me out.
Take a redundant letter out from each word to make it correct
Bài 1. Chọn đáp án đúng:
Question1. Let’s hello to the teacher 	 	
A. go 
B. say 
Question2. There is  dog in my house	 	
A. a 
B. an 
C. two 
Question3. Give . a pen, please.	 	
A. my 
B. my’s 
C. me 
D. I
Question4. I  reading a book. 	 	
A. is 
B. are 
C. am 
D. am’s
Question5. This cake  for you, Mary. – Thank you very much.	 
A. Is 
B. are 
C. a 
D. an
Question6. Tommy is my friend. He is a at Quang Trung Primary School.
A. Woker 
B. doctor 
C. farmer 
D. student
Question7. Her house is big 	
A. very
B. much 
C. many 
D. old
Question8. Yoko is Japan. 	
A. at 
B. under
C. up 
D. from
Question9. August is the eighth month  the year. 	 	
A. by 
B. on 
C. of 
Question10. Draw  picture, please.	 	
A. a 
B. an 
C. a’s 
D. an’s
Question11. I  watching television.	 	
A. am 
B. is 
C. are 
D. aren’t
Question12. There  two boys in my class.	 
A. is 
B. are 
C. many
D. isn’t
Question13. My birthday is  May 5th.	 	
A. in 
B. on 
C. of 
D. from
Question14. Hello, Sean	 
A. my 
B. my name 
C. I 
D. I’m
Question15. I can  a bicycle.	 
A. rides 
B. riding 
C. ride 
D. ride’s
Question16. How desks are there in your classroom?	
A. any 
B. many’s 
C. any’s 
D. many
Question17. I two cats	
A. has 
B. haven’t 
C. have 
D. hasn’t
Question18. I’m from England. – I’m from England,	 	
A. and 
B. too 
C. end 
D. two
Question19. You cat nice.	 	
A. is 
B. are 
C. an 
D. a
Question20. I’m .America.	 	
A. in 
B. a 
C. from 
D. to
Question21. Thank you very much. – You welcome.	 
A. is 
B. am 
C. are
Question22. Look at the, please.	 	
A. board 
B. board’s 
C. say 
D. tell
Question23. Where are you from, Alice? -  from Singapore. 	
A. My 
B. Me 
C. Am 
D. I’m
Question24. March is the  month of the year. 	 	
A. First
B. second 
C. third 
D. fourth
Question25. Whatis it? – It’s white. 	
A. colours 
B. colour 
C. colour’s 
D. colourn’t
Question26.  do you like Art? – Because I can learn how to draw a picture	
A. who 
B. when 
C. what 
D. why
Question27. I  sorry. I’m late	
A. is 
B. are 
C. am 
D. not
Question28. The box  blue	
A. are 
B. aren’t 
C. is 
D. this
Question29. His father’s birthday is  November.	
A. in 
B. on 
C. of 
D. from
Bài 2. - - - is Alan so happy? – Because today is his birthday. 	Why	
How --- are you? – I’m ten years old.	old
Open the book and r- -d after me, please.	ea
W- -n is your birthday?	HE	I - - sorry. I’m late.	 AM
This cak- is for you. – Thank you very much. E 	
Write ab- -t your family, please.	OU	 When is Peter’s birthday? – It’s – April. IN
Happy birthday – you, Tommy. TO	There is a TV - - the living room.	IN
Trang - - my friend. IS 	 	My house is n – w. 	E
Where is Jean from? – He is f- -m France. RO 	How are you t—ay?	OD
What col-ur is this? – It’s red.	O Why is Quynh happy? – Becau –e today is her birthday. S
My sister is a student at Hoang Mai Pimary Sch---.	OOL
Your bedroom is big. How about the bathroom? Is it big t- -?	OO
This gift is for you. - Thank you ---- much. VERY	I – sorry. I’m late.	AM
Wh- -e is David from? – He is from England. ER
Hello, I’m Alan. How are you? – I’m fine, thanks. --- you?	AND
How old -- your sister? – She is eleven years old.	IS	That is my b-droom.	E
--- is Alan so happy? - Because today is his birthday. 	WHY
There are 2 bedroom- in my house.	S	This is my friend. –r name is Alice.	HE
My sister is twelve year- old.	S	Thank you very much, Lan Anh. You --- welcome. ARE 
Bài 3. Nối từ và tranh thích hợp:
Section 2: Find the honey.
Choose the best answer.
Section 3: Smart monkey.
Please help the monkey hang the sign under the right boxes from 1 to 10
Thầy cô có thể vào trang  để có tất cả bộ đề thi này
Mọi thông tin chi tiết xin liên hệ tieuhocinfo@gmail.com
_________________the end__________________

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