Đề kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 (Lần 1)

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Bài kiểm tra 15 phút số 1 lop 7
I.Choose the best answer to complete each sentence
1.I join a photography club, and all the members love _________ a lot of beautiful photos.
a.take	b.taking	c.make	d.making
2.What does your father do ___________ his free time?
a.in	b.at 	c.on	d.while
3.I find dancing _____________ because we can work with music.
a.interesting	b.is interesting 	c.it is interesting	d.to be interesting
4.I really like ___________ - especially in the sea.
a.swimming	b.go swimming	c.go fish	d.skating
5.I love __________. My favorite writer is To Hoai.
a.to read	b.books	c.films	d.poems
6.the job or activity of working in a garden, growing and taking care of the plants, and keeping it attractive.
a. farmer	b.bird-watching	c.gardening	d.cycling
7.Which word has different sound in the part underlined?
a.bird	b.girl	c.first	d.sister
8.Which word does not belong to each group?
a.stamp	b.album	c.collector	d.mountain
II/Put the verb in brackets into the present simple or present progressive tenses.
1.My sister (not practice) ___________________ the guitar every day.
2.Nam’s friends often (give) _________________ him stamps from other countries.
3.________________(you/be) free next Sunday?
4.Don’t worry. I (go)____________ fishing with you next Saturday morning.
III/Answer the questions
1.What’s your hobby?
2.Will you continue your hobby in the future?
Đề kiểm tra một tiết lop 7 số 1
I.Choose the correct answer
1.Circle the word with sound /v/
a.photo	 	b.flu	c.volleyball	d.food
2.Odd one out
a,junk food	 	b.vegetable	c.fruit	d.fish	
3.She loves ______________ flowers and putting them into different vases.
a.buying	b.to buy	c.buy	d.bought
4.Watching too much TV is not good __________ you and your eyes.
a.at	b.for	c.on	d.with
5.I love cooking, ___________ my sister doesn’t.
a.because	b.so	c.but	d.and
6.Choose one mistake
I find carving eggshells boring because it takes a lot of time completing one shell
	A	 B	C	D
7.She feels itchy and her nose is running. She says she has ______________.
a.headache	b.toothache	c.allergy	d.flu
8.Liz:I am so nervous that I am putting on weight. – Tony: _________________
a.wash your hand more	b.Eat less junk food	c.sleep more	d.sunbathe less
II/ Fill in the blank with one correct word from the box
In	tiredness	why	help
There are many reasons ___________ it is important to have a hobby. First of all, a hobby can be a remedy for your ____________. Because it is the activity you choose for yourself, it will always give you pleasure and ____________you relax. Even if you just spend a little time enjoying your hobby, you can see the difference _____________your spirit.
III/Read the passage and answer the questions
The best way to keep fit and lose weight is by exercising and doing lots of it. For example, swimming is a very good way to lose calories because it works up all your muscles. Don’t worry if you are not good at swimming because there are lots of other ways that you can exercise and keep fit in. A very good way to do this is using an exercise machine such as an exercise bike. If you don’t have one you can go out for a little jog. That’s really helps you.
The experts advise that you should do exercise about one or two hours of exercise a day. Having a nice little run is a simple but effective way to exercise and it works for lots of people. For people who find it difficult to do physical exercise, they can always go on a low fat diet. This stops the build up of fat in your body.
If you are suffering from obesity, my best advice is that you should do at least an hour to do exercise each day and preferably go on a diet until you feel that you have lost one stone or two.
1.What is the best way to keep fit and lose weight?
2.Is swimming a good way to lose calories?
3.How many hours should you do exercise a day?
4.What should you do when you are suffering from obesity?
IV/Do as directed
1.Make sentence, using the words and phrases to help you
Tuan/ find/ play/ football/ interesting/ because/ he/ play/ best friend.
2.Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in bracket.
a.Nam loves playing computer games, but he says he _______________ this hobby in the future. (not/ continue)
b.Does Miss Lien enjoy _____________ (jog) in the early mornings?
c.She always (wear) ______________a sun hat when going out.
3.Make compound sentence by joining the two simple sentences, using the conjunctions (but, so, and, or)
d.Nam wants to lose weight. He eats more junk food.
4.Complete the sentence by using “more” or “less” to fill in the gap
You should eat _____________ fast food or you can put on weight.
Đề kiểm tra một tiết lop 7 số 1
I/ Multiple choice
1.Go upstairs and I will show you my postcard (collect/ collected/ collection)
2.We smile more often and we will be (happy/ happier/ happiness)
3.I think swimming (is interesting/ interesting/ interested)
4.She enjoys (listen/ listening/ to listen) to music
5.you should do (more/ less/ fewer) exercises. It helps you healthy.
6.The teacher doesn’t come here, (and/ or/ but) the students still study in class.
7.Choose the word that has the different underlined sound from the others:
Sea , beach, leather
8.Choose the word that has a sound /∂/ in these words:
Away, burn, heard
II/Supply the correct verb form
1.My father (not drink) _______________ coffee in the evening.
2.I promise that I (watch) ______________ TV less and practice reading more.
III/Choose the correct word marked A,B,C to fill each blank in the following passage
Coin collecting is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Most coin ____________(1) enjoy trying to have a complete set of a country’s coins. Some people collect coins for pleasure; ____________(2) collect coins in order to sell them later. From coins, we can also ___________(3) something about certain famous people and events in a country’s ____________(4)
1.a.collectors	b.collecting	c.collected
2.a.other	b.others	c.another
3.a.teach	b.give	c.learn
4.a.history	b.geography	c.nature
IV/Read the passage and answer the questions
Everyone suffers from the common cold at some time or other. It isn’t a serious illness, but people spend a lot of money on medicine. The medicine can only relieve the symptoms. That is it can make you cough less, make you feel better, and stop your nose running for a while. So far, there no cure for the common cold and no medicine to prevent it. People also drink a lot of hot water with sugar, lemon juice. It helps provide with a lot of vitamin.
1.Why is the common cold very popular?_____________________________________________________
2.What does the medicine help people with the common cold?
3.Besides medicine, what do people do to make them feel better?
V/Do as directed
1.She/ think/ hobby/ useful/ because it/ make/ her room/ beautiful. (make correct sentence from the words ans phrases given)
2.I have flu. (give the advice)
3.She/ (enjoy)/ (raise)/ money/ for/ the poor. (Make correct sentence from the words and phrase given)
4.Because he was tired, he went to bed early.
VI/Write a paragraph about your hobbies
1.Name of your hobby
2.When you start the hobby.
3.Who shares hobby with you?
4.Do you think your hobby useful? Why? / Why not?
5.Will you continue the hobby in the future?

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